Immersive Exhibition Booth.

Client Moderna
Services Digital Experiences
Expertise Creative Direction 3D / Motion Graphics Immersive Events
Industry Retail


As befits a brand that creates smart plastics for happy pets, Moderna was present at the world’s leading trade show for the pet industry: Interzoo 2022. To help them showcase (slash show off) their brand new, state-of-the-art headquarters along the Zuidkaai in Izegem, we built them a digital, immersive booth.


In order to successfully complete our mission, we needed a thorough understanding of Moderna’s new facility—from the new machines to the production process to the fully automated high-bay warehouse. The challenge we faced was twofold: we needed to shoot excellent 360-degree images, then provide booth visitors with the feeling they were walking through the factory.


A stunning success

Moderna is a dream client come true: novel, forward-thinking and adventurous. So when they called on us a second time, we didn’t hesitate one second. The coolest thing about this case? The creative freedom we were given.

Drone photography and 360-degree images aren’t rocket science, so we were able to determine the content of the assignment ourselves. Since trade shows are a great way to dazzle customers, we dressed to impress. And impress we did—Interzoo was buzzing with talk of Moderna’s immersive room.


Narrating a production
process using three screens

Thanks to drone photography and 360-degree image, fair visitors entering said booth felt as if they were physically at the new Moderna site—admiring it in real life. We rebuilt it entirely in 3D. We visualised each step of the facility’s production process, moving in one straight line. Creative ánd efficient.

“It was amazing. Stepping into the booth, I instantly entered another reality.”

– Fair visitor

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